Source code for gatspy.periodic.supersmoother

Supersmoother code for periodic modeling
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import

__all__ = ['SuperSmoother', 'SuperSmootherMultiband']

import numpy as np

    import supersmoother as ssm
except ImportError:
    ssm = None

from .modeler import PeriodicModeler, PeriodicModelerMultiband

[docs]class SuperSmoother(PeriodicModeler): """Periodogram based on Friedman's SuperSmoother. Parameters ---------- optimizer : PeriodicOptimizer instance Optimizer to use to find the best period. If not specified, the LinearScanOptimizer will be used. fit_period : bool (optional) If True, then fit for the best period when fit() method is called. optimizer_kwds : dict (optional) Dictionary of keyword arguments for constructing the optimizer. For example, silence optimizer output with `optimizer_kwds={"quiet": True}`. Examples -------- >>> rng = np.random.RandomState(0) >>> t = 100 * rng.rand(100) >>> dy = 0.1 >>> omega = 10 >>> y = np.sin(omega * t) + dy * rng.randn(100) >>> ssm = SuperSmoother().fit(t, y, dy) >>> ssm.optimizer.period_range = (0.2, 1.2) >>> ssm.best_period Finding optimal frequency: - Estimated peak width = 0.0639 - Using 5 steps per peak; omega_step = 0.0128 - User-specified period range: 0.2 to 1.2 - Computing periods at 2051 steps Zooming-in on 5 candidate peaks: - Computing periods at 1000 steps 0.62819846183431927 >>> ssm.predict([0, 0.5]) array([-0.02195035, -0.92119149]) See Also -------- LombScargle """ def __init__(self, optimizer=None, fit_period=False, optimizer_kwds=None): if ssm is None: raise ImportError("Package supersmoother is required. " "Use ``pip install supersmoother`` to install") PeriodicModeler.__init__(self, optimizer, fit_period=fit_period, optimizer_kwds=optimizer_kwds) def _fit(self, t, y, dy): # TODO: this should actually be a weighted median, probably... if dy.size == 1: mu = np.mean(y) else: mu = np.average(y, weights=1 / dy ** 2) self.baseline_err = np.mean(abs((y - mu) / dy)) def _predict(self, t, period): model = ssm.SuperSmoother(period=period).fit(self.t, self.y, self.dy) return model.predict(t) def _score(self, periods): return np.asarray([1 - (ssm.SuperSmoother(period=p) .fit(self.t, self.y, self.dy) .cv_error(skip_endpoints=False) / self.baseline_err) for p in periods])
[docs]class SuperSmootherMultiband(PeriodicModelerMultiband): """ Simple multi-band SuperSmoother, with each band smoothed independently Parameters ---------- optimizer : PeriodicOptimizer instance Optimizer to use to find the best period. If not specified, the LinearScanOptimizer will be used. BaseModel : class type (default = SuperSmoother) The base model to use for each individual band. fit_period : bool (optional) If True, then fit for the best period when fit() method is called. optimizer_kwds : dict (optional) Dictionary of keyword arguments for constructing the optimizer. For example, silence optimizer output with `optimizer_kwds={"quiet": True}`. """ def __init__(self, optimizer=None, BaseModel=SuperSmoother, fit_period=False, optimizer_kwds=None): self.BaseModel = BaseModel PeriodicModelerMultiband.__init__(self, optimizer, fit_period=fit_period, optimizer_kwds=optimizer_kwds) def _fit(self, t, y, dy, filts): masks = [(filts == f) for f in self.unique_filts_] self.models_ = [self.BaseModel().fit(t[m], y[m], dy[m]) for m in masks] def _score(self, periods): # Total score is the sum of powers weighted by chi2-normalization powers = np.array([model.score(periods) for model in self.models_]) baselines = np.array([model.baseline_err for model in self.models_]) return / baselines.sum(), powers) def _predict(self, t, filts, period): t, filts = np.broadcast_arrays(t, filts) result = np.zeros(t.shape, dtype=float) masks = ((filts == f) for f in self.unique_filts_) for model, mask in zip(self.models_, masks): result[mask] = model.predict(t[mask], period=period) return result