.. _book_fig_chapter9_fig_simple_naivebayes: Simple Gaussian Naive Bayes Classification ------------------------------------------ Figure 9.2 A decision boundary computed for a simple data set using Gaussian naive Bayes classification. The line shows the decision boundary, which corresponds to the curve where a new point has equal posterior probability of being part of each class. In such a simple case, it is possible to find a classification with perfect completeness and contamination. This is rarely the case in the real world. .. image:: ../images/chapter9/fig_simple_naivebayes_1.png :scale: 100 :align: center .. raw:: html
**Code output:** .. raw:: html
.. literalinclude:: fig_simple_naivebayes.txt .. raw:: html
**Python source code:** .. raw:: html
.. literalinclude:: fig_simple_naivebayes.py :lines: 13- .. raw:: html
:download:`[download source: fig_simple_naivebayes.py] ` .. raw:: html