.. _book_fig_chapter9_fig_rrlyrae_naivebayes: Gaussian Naive Bayes Classification of photometry ------------------------------------------------- Figure 9.3 Gaussian naive Bayes classification method used to separate variable RR Lyrae stars from nonvariable main sequence stars. In the left panel, the light gray points show non- variable sources, while the dark points show variable sources. The classification boundary is shown by the black line, and the classification probability is shown by the shaded background. In the right panel, we show the completeness and contamination as a function of the number of features used in the fit. For the single feature, u - g is used. For two features, u - g and g = r areused. For three features, u - g, g - r, and r- i are used. It is evident that the g - r color is the best discriminator. With all four colors, naive Bayes attains a completeness of 0.876 and a contamination of 0.790. .. image:: ../images/chapter9/fig_rrlyrae_naivebayes_1.png :scale: 100 :align: center .. raw:: html
**Code output:** .. raw:: html
.. literalinclude:: fig_rrlyrae_naivebayes.txt .. raw:: html
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.. literalinclude:: fig_rrlyrae_naivebayes.py :lines: 17- .. raw:: html
:download:`[download source: fig_rrlyrae_naivebayes.py] ` .. raw:: html