.. _book_fig_chapter5_fig_lutz_kelker: Eddington-Malmquist & Lutz-Kelker Biases ---------------------------------------- Figure 5.3 An illustration of the Eddington-Malmquist (left) and Lutz-Kelker (right) biases for mock data sets that simulate upcoming LSST and Gaia surveys (see text). The left panel shows a bias in photometric calibration when using pairs of measurements of the same stars with realistic photometric error distributions. Depending on the adopted faint limit (x-axis), the median difference between two measurements (dashed line) is biased when this limit is too close to the 5-sigma data limit (corresponding to errors of 0.2 mag); in this example the 5-sigma magnitude limit is set to 24. The solid line shows the assumed random measurement errors - if the number of stars in the sample is large, the random error for magnitude difference may become much smaller than the bias. The right panel shows the bias in absolute magnitude for samples calibrated using trigonometric parallax measurements with relative errors :math:`\sigma_\pi / \pi`, and two hypothetical parallax distributions given by eq. 5.41 and p = 2, 4. .. image:: ../images/chapter5/fig_lutz_kelker_1.png :scale: 100 :align: center .. raw:: html
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.. literalinclude:: fig_lutz_kelker.txt .. raw:: html
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.. literalinclude:: fig_lutz_kelker.py :lines: 21- .. raw:: html
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