Source code for astroML.datasets.LINEAR_sample

import os
import tarfile

import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table

from . import get_data_home
from .tools import download_with_progress_bar

DATA_URL = (""
GENEVA_ARCHIVE = 'LINEARattributesFinalApr2013.npy'
ARCHIVE_DTYPE = ([(s, 'f8') for s in ('RA', 'Dec', 'ug', 'gi', 'iK',
                                      'JK', 'logP', 'Ampl', 'skew',
                                      'kurt', 'magMed', 'nObs')]
                 + [('LCtype', 'i4'), ('LINEARobjectID', '|S20')])

target_names = ['objectID', 'raLIN', 'decLIN', 'raSDSS', 'decSDSS', 'r',
                'ug', 'gr', 'ri', 'iz', 'JK', '<mL>', 'std', 'rms',
                'Lchi2', 'LP1', 'phi1', 'S', 'prior']

class LINEARdata:
    """A container class for the linear dataset.

    Because the dataset is often not needed all at once, this class
    offers tools to access just the needed components

    >>> data = fetch_LINEAR_sample()  # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT +REMOTE_DATA
    >>> lightcurve = data[data.ids[0]]  # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
    def _name_to_id(name):
        return int(name.split('.')[0])

    def _id_to_name(id):
        return str(id) + '.dat'

    def __init__(self, data_file, targetlist_file):
        self.targets = np.recfromtxt(targetlist_file)
        self.targets.dtype.names = target_names

        self.dataF =
        self.ids = np.array(list(map(self._name_to_id, self.dataF.getnames())))

        # rearrange targets so lists are in the same order
        self.targets = self.targets[self.targets['objectID'].argsort()]
        ind = self.targets['objectID'].searchsorted(self.ids)
        self.targets = self.targets[ind]

    def get_light_curve(self, id):
        """Get a light curve with the given id.

        id: integer
            LINEAR id of the desired object

        lightcurve: ndarray
            a size (n_observations, 3) light-curve.
            columns are [MJD, flux, flux_err]
        return self[id]

    def get_target_parameter(self, id, param):
        """Get a target parameter associated with the given id.

        id: integer
            LINEAR id of the desired object
        param: string
            parameter name of the desired object (see below)

        val: scalar
            value of the requested target parameter

        Target parameters are one of the following:

        ['objectID', 'raLIN', 'decLIN', 'raSDSS', 'decSDSS', 'r',
         'ug', 'gr', 'ri', 'iz', 'JK', '<mL>', 'std', 'rms',
         'Lchi2', 'LP1', 'phi1', 'S', 'prior']
        i = np.where(self.targets['objectID'] == id)[0]
            val = self.targets[param][i[0]]
        except BaseException:
            raise KeyError(id)

        return val

    def __getitem__(self, id):
            lc = np.loadtxt(self.dataF.extractfile(self._id_to_name(id)))
        except BaseException:
            raise KeyError(id)

        return lc

[docs]def fetch_LINEAR_sample(data_home=None, download_if_missing=True): """Loader for LINEAR data sample Parameters ---------- data_home : optional, default=None Specify another download and cache folder for the datasets. By default all astroML data is stored in '~/astroML_data'. download_if_missing : optional, default=True If False, raise a IOError if the data is not locally available instead of trying to download the data from the source site. Returns ------- data : LINEARdata object A custom object which provides access to 7010 selected LINEAR light curves. """ data_home = get_data_home(data_home) targetlist_file = os.path.join(data_home, os.path.basename(TARGETLIST_URL)) data_file = os.path.join(data_home, os.path.basename(DATA_URL)) if not os.path.exists(targetlist_file): if not download_if_missing: raise IOError('data not present on disk. ' 'set download_if_missing=True to download') targets = download_with_progress_bar(TARGETLIST_URL) open(targetlist_file, 'wb').write(targets) if not os.path.exists(data_file): if not download_if_missing: raise IOError('data not present on disk. ' 'set download_if_missing=True to download') databuffer = download_with_progress_bar(DATA_URL) open(data_file, 'wb').write(databuffer) return LINEARdata(data_file, targetlist_file)
[docs]def fetch_LINEAR_geneva(data_home=None, download_if_missing=True): """Loader for LINEAR geneva data. This supplements the LINEAR data above with well-determined periods and other light curve characteristics. Parameters ---------- data_home : optional, default=None Specify another download and cache folder for the datasets. By default all astroML data is stored in '~/astroML_data'. download_if_missing : optional, default=True If False, raise a IOError if the data is not locally available instead of trying to download the data from the source site. Returns ------- data : record array data on 7000+ LINEAR stars from the Geneva catalog """ data_home = get_data_home(data_home) archive_file = os.path.join(data_home, GENEVA_ARCHIVE) if not os.path.exists(archive_file): if not download_if_missing: raise IOError('data not present on disk. ' 'set download_if_missing=True to download') data =, format='ascii', header_start=19) data = data.as_array(), data) else: data = np.load(archive_file) return data